Here is a list of crimes punishable by death in the scriptures. These are the things Elohim said were so bad you shouldn't live any longer if you do them. It is not an exhaustive list, I'm sure there are some I missed, but this has a lot in here that you might not know. Let's all resolve in our hearts to never do any of the wicked acts; but if you have, repent and pray to the Father for forgiveness and resolve in your heart to turn away from this evil. Let us put all filth and wickedness aside in our walk with Yah.
-Worshiping other gods (Du 13:5, Du 17:2-7, Nu 25:1-5, Ezekiel 18:12) -Sacrificing to other gods (Ex 22:20) -Child sacrifice [Abortion] (Lv 20:1-5, Lv 18:21) -False prophecy (Du 18:20-22) -Consulting with wizards or familiar spirits (Lv 20:27) -Witchcraft (Lv 22:18) -Blasphemy (Lv 24:10-16) -Unauthorized access to the Tabernacle/Temple of Elohim (Nu 3:10, 3:38) -Offering strange fire (Lv 10:1-2) -Breaking Shabbat [Sabbath] (Ex 31:14-15, 35:2, Nu 15:32-36) -Adultery (Du 22:22, Lv 20:10) -Rape of engaged women (Du 22:25) -Consensual sex with a engaged women [both people killed] (Du 22:23-24) -Loss of virginity by a women prior to marriage while falsely claiming to be a virgin (Du 22:13-21) -Marrying a wife and her mother (Lv 20:14) -Incest with your father's wife or your daughter in law (Lv 20:11-12) -Daughter of a priest playing the whore (Lv 21:9) -Homosexuality (Lv 20:13, Ro 1:32) -Bestiality (Ex 22:19, Lv 20:15-16) -Murder (Ge 9:6, Ex 21:12-14, Lv 24:17, Nu 35:9-34) -Hitting a parent (Ex 21:15) -Cursing a parent (Ex 21:17, Lv 20:9) -Persistent disobedience to parents (Du 21:18-21) -Kidnapping (Ex 21:16, Du 24:7) -Negligent property liability resulting in death (Ex 21:28-32) -Contempt of court (Du 17:8-13) -False witness to a capital crime (Du 19:15-21) -Oppressing a widow or fatherless child and they cry out to Elohim (Ex 22:21-24) -Charging interest to poor people (Eze 18:13) -Oppressing the poor (Eze 18:12)
January 2024